Monday, December 21, 2009

Taiwan Pride is Castrating Me

As a rare person of Taiwanese descent but raised in America, I have the expectation from my parents and family to marry a Taiwanese girl.  But I have told them time and time again that it is a nearly IMPOSSIBLE dream.  Why?

Let me break this down for you, Taiwanese style:

According to Google, Taiwan has a population of close to 23 million people and let's give an overestimate of 1 million Taiwanese people overseas.

Of 24 million Taiwanese, presumably half are female.

Of 12 million Taiwanese females, let's again give a ballpark, yet overly generous estimate that 25% of them are in the same age group as I am.  Hey, I'm willing to marry someone somewhat younger or older than me, so 12.5% in either direction is pretty good.

That leaves 3 million Taiwanese females within the desired age group.  Of the 6.6 billion people in the world, my potential parentally approved pool of wife is 0.09% of the world population.

But that's just the parental expectation.  I want to be looking for love too, so what are the chances that in that group of 3 million Taiwanese females that they are not already married when I meet them, have common interests as I have, have the same cultural background as I have, that this girl has an interest in me, and by a huge leap of faith that I have an interest in her? Keep in mind that I have not even brought up the issue of looks - after all, beggers can't be choosers, am I right? (Although 0.09% is a far cry from begger status.)  My already infinitesimally small chances of finding the perfect wife has gotten much dimmer than it was before...

...And don't even get me started about actually finding the one for me.  Taiwanese people are scattered over the globe.

I mentioned that I would like my wife to have the same cultural background.  Although it may seem redundant to say so if my parents want me to marry a Taiwanese girl, I mean to say that she was raised in the same background.  See, I am what I consider to be "white-washed": so brainwashed by the American culture that I identify myself closer to the American culture than to the Taiwanese culture.  Sure I speak the Mandarin language and have a better understanding of Taiwanese and Chinese culture than foreigners, but I definitely do not pass off in any way as a true Taiwanese.  Therefore, the most culturally compatible type of people for me is Taiwanese-American.

If I were to obey my parents' wishes, I have told them already not to expect grandchildren.  So much for continuing the family name.  My odds of being struck by lightning or winning the lottery are better than those of finding a pre-approved wife.

Maybe I should just mail order.

For the full story and others like it, check out my blog:


  1. You might be surprised. Branching out of the same exact background as yourself might implore you to discover parts of yourself you never knew. In other words, don't be so fixated on finding a girl with the right specifications. Just go with the flow, date around, and god forbid, fall in love.

  2. The entire point of the article was to address the impossible exceptions of my parents; therefore, the obviously vague focus of my essay was to address the generational and cultural gap of Asian-Americans and the conflicts caused by such a rift between parent and offspring.Whether or not I obey my parents' wishes is an entirely different issue.
